Results for 'Kelly L. Buchanan'

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  1.  27
    You Are What You (First) Eat.Kelly L. Buchanan & Diego V. Bohórquez - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  2.  17
    Drosophila WARTS–tumor suppressor and member of the myotonic dystrophy protein kinase family.Kellie L. Watson - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (8):673-676.
    Tumor suppressor genes represent a broad class of genes that normally function in the negative regulation of cell proliferation. Loss‐of‐function mutations in these genes lead to unrestrained cell proliferation and tumor formation. A fundamental understanding of how tumor suppressor genes regulate cell proliferation and differentiation should reveal important aspects of signalling pathways and cell cycle control. A recent report describing the Drosophila tumor suppressor gene warts has implications in the study of the human myotonic dystrophy gene(1). These genes encode members (...)
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    (1 other version)The Ontology and Cosmology of Non- Euclidean Geometry.Kelly L. Ross - unknown
    Until recently, Albert Einstein's complaints in his later years about the intelligibility of Quantum Mechanics often led philosophers and physicists to dismiss him as, essentially, an old fool in his dotage. Happily, this kind of thing is now coming to an end as philosophers and mathematicians of the caliber of Karl Popper and Roger Penrose conspicuously point out the continuing conceptual difficulties of quantum theory [cf. Penrose's searching discussion in The Emperor's New Mind, chapter 6, "Quantum magic and quantum mystery," (...)
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  4. Defining the Architect in Fifteenth-Century Italy: Exemplary Architects in LB Alberti's De Re aedificatoria. By Liisa Kanerva.L. B. Kelly & T. Duvall - 2001 - The European Legacy 6 (4):547-547.
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    Sex-dependent effects on tasks assessing reinforcement learning and interference inhibition.Kelly L. Evans & Elizabeth Hampson - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Immigrant Subjectivities in Asian American and Asian Diaspora Literatures (review).Kelly L. Richardson - 1999 - Symploke 7 (1):210-211.
  7.  14
    The Politics of Hidden Policy: Feedback Effects and the Charitable Contributions Deduction.Kelly L. Russell - 2018 - Politics and Society 46 (1):53-80.
    Policy feedback, or the process in which policies create constituencies vested in their maintenance, is a durable feature of the American welfare state. Scholars have shown that policy visibility conditions how feedback effects unfold: for public-private policies—arrangements in which the state delegates service provision to private actors, often described as “hidden” or “submerged”—policy feedback typically galvanizes not citizens but market actors that benefit indirectly from these subsidies. This article extends theories of public-private policy feedback from market actors to charitable organizations (...)
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  8. In Harm's Way: Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg.Jules L. Coleman & Allen Buchanan (eds.) - 1994 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    For several decades the work of Joel Feinberg has been the most influential in legal, political and social philosophy in the English-speaking world. This 1994 volume honours that body of work by presenting fifteen essays, many of them by leading legal and political philosophers, that explore the problems that have engaged Feinberg over the years. Amongst the topics covered are issues of autonomy, responsibility and liability. It will be a collection of interest to anyone working in moral, legal or political (...)
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    Bribery in International Business Transactions.Christopher Baughn, Nancy L. Bodie, Mark A. Buchanan & Michael B. Bixby - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (1):15-32.
    Globalization leads to cross-border business transactions between societies with very different norms and regulations regarding bribery. Bribery in international business transactions can be seen as a function of not only the demand for such bribes in different countries, but the supply, or willingness to provide bribes by multinational firms and their representatives. This study addresses the propensity of firms from 30 different countries to engage in international bribery. The study incorporates both domestic (economic development, culture, and domestic corruption in the (...)
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  10.  44
    Invective - Worman Abusive Mouths in Classical Athens. Pp. xii + 385. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Cased, £55.00, US$99. ISBN: 978-0-521-85787-1. [REVIEW]Kelly L. Wrenhaven - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):359-361.
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  11. Sten Ebbesen (ed.), Sprachtheorien in spätantike und mittelalter, tübingen (gunter narr) 1995, 408 pp., ISBN 3 87808 673 3. (geschichte der sprachtheorie). [REVIEW]L. G. Kelly - 1995 - Vivarium 33 (2):249-254.
  12. In Harm's Way: Essays in Honor of Joel Feinberg.J. L. Coleman & A. Buchanan - 1998 - Philosophical Quarterly 48 (193):561-563.
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  13.  38
    Facilitating Development Research: Suggestions for Recruiting and Re-Recruiting Children and Families.Lisa B. Hurwitz, Kelly L. Schmitt & Megan K. Olsen - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  14.  12
    Young Adults’ Short-Term Trajectories of Moderate Physical Activity: Relations With Self-Evaluation Processes.Alex C. Garn & Kelly L. Simonton - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  15.  16
    The Value of Creativity for Enhancing Translational Ecologies, Insights, and Discoveries.Brian Goeltzenleuchter, Anna van Suchtelen, Kelly L. Brown & Gianfranco Grompone - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  16.  75
    Do US Black Women Experience Stress-Related Accelerated Biological Aging?Arline T. Geronimus, Margaret T. Hicken, Jay A. Pearson, Sarah J. Seashols, Kelly L. Brown & Tracey Dawson Cruz - 2010 - Human Nature 21 (1):19-38.
    We hypothesize that black women experience accelerated biological aging in response to repeated or prolonged adaptation to subjective and objective stressors. Drawing on stress physiology and ethnographic, social science, and public health literature, we lay out the rationale for this hypothesis. We also perform a first population-based test of its plausibility, focusing on telomere length, a biomeasure of aging that may be shortened by stressors. Analyzing data from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation (SWAN), we estimate that at (...)
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  17.  15
    Patients Don’t Consider End-Stage Medical Conditions the Same as Being Permanently Unconscious When They Fill Out a Living Will.Kelli M. Manippo & Jack L. DePriest - 2009 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 20 (4):310-315.
  18. A buzzword, a “win-win”, or a signal towards the future of agriculture? A critical analysis of regenerative agriculture.Kelly R. Wilson, Mary K. Hendrickson & Robert L. Myers - 2025 - Agriculture and Human Values 42 (1):257-269.
    As the term regenerative agriculture caught fire in public discourse around 2019, it was promptly labelled a buzzword. While the buzzword accusation tends to be regarded as negative, these widely used terms also reflect an important area of growing public interest. Exploring a buzzword can thus help us understand our current moment and offer insights to paths forward. In this study, we explored how and why different individuals and groups adopt certain key terms or buzzwords, in this case the term (...)
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  19. Legal treatment of embryos created through IVF: Australia, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Sweden, United Kingdom.Kelly Buchanan, Louis A. Gilbert, Jenny Gesley, Dante Figueroa, Iana Fremer, Eduardo Soares, Elin Hofverberg & Clare Feikert-Ahalt (eds.) - 2024 - [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate.
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  20.  23
    The Role of Attitudes, Affect, and Income in Predicting COVID-19 Behavioral Intentions.Kelly S. Clemens, John Matkovic, Kate Faasse & Andrew L. Geers - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Handwashing is important in preventing infectious diseases like COVID-19. The current public health emergency has required rapid implementation of increased handwashing in the general public; however, rapidly changing health behavior, especially on this scale, is difficult. This study considers attitudes and affective responses to handwashing as possible factors predicting COVID-19 related changes to handwashing behavior, future intentions, and readiness to change during the early stages of the pandemic in the United States. Income was explored as a potential moderator to these (...)
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  21.  15
    Why the Gene Was (Mis)Placed at the Center of American Health Policy.Kellie Owens & Arthur L. Caplan - 2023 - Hastings Center Report 53 (4):44-45.
    In Tyranny of the Gene: Personalized Medicine and Its Threat to Public Health (Knopf, 2023), James Tabery traces the ascendance of personalized or precision medicine in America, arguing that America's emphasis on genetics offers more hype than transformational power. In his examination of the power struggles, social relationships, and technological advances that centered the gene in American health policy, Tabery demonstrates how an intensive focus on genetics draws attention away from both the fundamental causes of health disparities and more‐effective changes (...)
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  22.  58
    Organizational Change, Normative Control Deinstitutionalization, and Corruption.Kelly D. Martin, Jean L. Johnson & John B. Cullen - 2009 - Business Ethics Quarterly 19 (1):105-130.
    ABSTRACT:Despite widespread attention to corruption and organizational change in the literature, to our knowledge, no research has attempted to understand the linkages between these two powerful organizational phenomena. Accordingly, we draw on major theories in ethics, sociology, and management to develop a theoretical framework for understanding how organizational change can sometimes generate corruption. We extend anomie theory and ethical climate theory to articulate the deinstitutionalization of the normative control system and argue that, through this deinstitutionalization, organizations have the potential to (...)
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  23.  17
    Seal Cylinders. Ur Excavations, Volume X.Briggs W. Buchanan & L. Legrain - 1953 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 73 (4):226.
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  24. The Great Colonization Debate.Kelly C. Smith, Keith Abney, Gregory Anderson, Linda Billings, Carl L. DeVito, Brian Patrick Green, Alan R. Johnson, Lori Marino, Gonzalo Munevar, Michael P. Oman-Reagan, Adam Potthast, James S. J. Schwartz, Koji Tachibana, John W. Traphagan & Sheri Wells-Jensen - 2019 - Futures 110:4-14.
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    Clio's Other Photographic Literature: Searching the Historical Journal Literature Using America: History and Life to Explore the History of Photography.Anne L. Buchanan & Jean-Pierre Vm Hérubel - 2012 - Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 31 (2).
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  26.  31
    Developmental regulation of αβ T cell antigen receptor assembly in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes.Kelly P. Kearse, Joseph P. Roberts, David L. Wiest & Alfred Singer - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (12):1049-1054.
    Most lymphocytes of the T cell lineage develop along the CD4/CD8 pathway and express antigen receptors on their surfaces consisting of clonotypic αβ chains associated with invariant CD3‐γδε components and ζ chains, collectively referred to as the T cell antigen receptor complex (TCR). Expression of the TCR complex is dynamically regulated during T cell development, with immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes expressing only 10% of the number of αβ TCR complexes on their surfaces expressed by mature CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Recent (...)
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  27.  38
    Analytic-thinking predicts hoax beliefs and helping behaviors in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.Matthew L. Stanley, Nathaniel Barr, Kelly Peters & Paul Seli - 2021 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (3):464-477.
    Confirmed COVID-19 cases in the United States increased exponentially, quickly leading to a pandemic in 2020, which created a serious public-health emergency. During the period in which the COVID-1...
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  28.  27
    Selected issues in biotechnology regulation: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, England, European Union, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Taiwan.Gustavo Guerra, Kelly Buchanan, Louis A. Gilbert, Eduardo Soares, Tariq Ahmad, Laney Zhang, Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Jenny Gesley, Sayuri Umeda & Hanibal Goitom (eds.) - 2023 - [Washington, D.C.]: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Directorate.
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    A buzzword, a “win-win”, or a signal towards the future of agriculture? A critical analysis of regenerative agriculture.Kelly R. Wilson, Mary K. Hendrickson & Robert L. Myers - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-13.
    As the term regenerative agriculture caught fire in public discourse around 2019, it was promptly labelled a buzzword. While the buzzword accusation tends to be regarded as negative, these widely used terms also reflect an important area of growing public interest. Exploring a buzzword can thus help us understand our current moment and offer insights to paths forward. In this study, we explored how and why different individuals and groups adopt certain key terms or buzzwords, in this case the term (...)
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  30. Misuse made plain: Evaluating concerns about neuroscience in national security.Kelly Lowenberg, Brenda M. Simon, Amy Burns, Libby Greismann, Jennifer M. Halbleib, Govind Persad, David L. M. Preston, Harker Rhodes & Emily R. Murphy - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 1 (2):15-17.
    In this open peer commentary, we categorize the possible “neuroscience in national security” definitions of misuse of science and identify which, if any, are uniquely presented by advances in neuroscience. To define misuse, we first define what we would consider appropriate use: the application of reasonably safe and effective technology, based on valid and reliable scientific research, to serve a legitimate end. This definition presents distinct opportunities for assessing misuse: misuse is the application of invalid or unreliable science, or is (...)
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  31.  40
    Just-in-time IRB review: capitalizing on scientific merit review to improve human subjects research compliance.P. Adam Kelly & Michael L. Johnson - 2005 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 27 (2):6.
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    Book Review: Jerome A. Popp, Evolution's First Philosopher: John Dewey and the Continuity of Nature. [REVIEW]Deborah L. Seltzer-Kelly - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (1):9.
  33. Introduction.Kelly Kay & Gregory L. Simon - 2024 - In Gregory Simon & Kelly Kay, Doing political ecology. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Education and Health - Science and Technology Education and Future Human Needs: Vol. 5.P. J. Kelly & J. L. Lewis - 1988 - British Journal of Educational Studies 36 (3):275-276.
  35.  9
    Readings in the philosophy of man.William L. Kelly - 1972 - New York,: McGraw-Hill. Edited by Andrew Tallon.
  36.  50
    The Buddha’s Teachings to Lay People.John L. Kelly - 2011 - Buddhist Studies Review 28 (1):3-77.
    In this work, all the discourses addressed to lay people in the four main nik?yas of the P?li Canon, and most of those in the fifth, have been surveyed, categorised, and analysed. The different ways in which the Buddha customised his style of teaching and the Dhamma being taught according to the various demographic characteristics of his audience are explored, highlighted and discussed. Some of the findings are to be expected, whereas others are less so. There are several clear gender (...)
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  37.  78
    Decolonizing Vocational Education in Togo: Postcolonial, Deweyan, and Feminist Considerations.Tairou Goura & Deborah L. Seltzer-Kelly - 2013 - Education and Culture 29 (1):46-63.
    In his landmark work, Democracy and Education, John Dewey (1916/1980) proposed that "democracy is more than a form of government; it is primarily a mode of associated living, of conjoint communicated experience" (93). Given this, he argued, the role of the system of public education in a democracy must not only facilitate individual development, but do so in a way that simultaneously attends to the larger social good. Preparation for vocation was central to this effort, understood not as narrow technical (...)
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  38.  20
    Contemporary Psychology and Philosophy.William L. Kelly - 1965 - New Scholasticism 39 (4):421-450.
  39.  30
    Metacontrast as a function of internal contour and target width.Patti L. Kelly & Robert H. Pollack - 1981 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 17 (5):227-230.
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    Philosophy Problems of Psychology.William L. Kelly - 1967 - New Scholasticism 41 (4):535-537.
  41.  22
    If Birds Have Sesamoid Bones, Do Blackbirds Have Sesamoid Bones? The Modification Effect With Known Compound Words.Thomas L. Spalding, Christina L. Gagné, Kelly A. Nisbet, Jenna M. Chamberlain & Gary Libben - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  42.  69
    A Framework for Ethical Conformity in Marketing.Kelly D. Martin & Jean L. Johnson - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 80 (1):103-109.
    The extant marketing literature provides little guidance for theory development or practice with regard to questions of ethical conformity and the resulting market response. To begin to bridge this research gap, we advance a theoretical framework of ethical conformity in marketing, appealing to marketing ethics, management strategy, and sociological foundations. We set the stage for our theoretical arguments by considering the role of normative expectations related to marketing practices and behaviors held by societal constituents. Against this backdrop, we propose drivers (...)
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  43.  11
    Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Gender-Free Case: Into the Void.Ellen L. K. Toronto, Gemma Ainslie, Molly Donovan, Maurine Kelly, Christine C. Kieffer & Nancy McWilliams (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    The past two decades of psychoanalytic discourse have witnessed a marked transformation in the way we think about women and gender. The assignment of gender carries with it a host of assumptions, yet without it we can feel lost in a void, unmoored from the world of rationality, stability and meaning. The feminist analytic thinkers whose work is collected here confront the meaning established by the assignment of gender and the uncertainty created by its absence. The contributions brought together in (...)
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  44.  32
    The effect of fast neutron irradiation on the C33elastic modulus of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite.L. Summers, D. C. B. Walker & B. T. Kelly - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (128):317-323.
  45.  14
    Foreword.Anthony Kelly, L. Michael Brown, A. Lindsay Greer & Kevin M. Knowles - 2013 - Philosophical Magazine 93 (28-30):3695-3696.
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    Evolution's first philosopher: John Dewey and the continuity of nature.Deborah L. Seltzer-Kelly - 2010 - Education and Culture 26 (1):pp. 104-107.
    Jerome Popp's monograph is a part of the SUNY series in philosophy and biology, and accordingly is narrowly focused upon discussion of an evolutionary model of value theory. As Popp explains at the outset, Daniel Dennett—among others—has proposed that any naturalized moral theory must provide a naturalized account for its own existence. Popp's thesis for this work is that, in conjunction with his longoverlooked insight into the significance of Darwin's thought to the area of epistemology generally, Dewey solved this philosophic (...)
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  47. Bioethics legislation in selected countries.Wendy I. Zeldin, Clare Feikert-Ahalt, Edith Palmer, Sayuri Umeda, Laney Zhang, Ruth Levush, Tariq Ahmad, Hanibal Goitom, Kelly Buchanan, Eduardo Soares & Peter Roudik (eds.) - 2012 - Washington, DC: The Law Library of Congress, Global Legal Research Center.
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    Behavioral and Neurophysiological Signatures of Benzodiazepine-Related Driving Impairments.Bradly T. Stone, Kelly A. Correa, Timothy L. Brown, Andrew L. Spurgin, Maja Stikic, Robin R. Johnson & Chris Berka - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  49.  9
    Think Unique: Perceptions of Uniqueness Increases Resistance to Persuasion and Attitude-Intention Relations.Kevin L. Blankenship, Kelly A. Kane & Marielle G. Machacek - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The present research examines whether the perceived uniqueness of one’s thoughts and salience of uniqueness motivations can influence attitude strength and resistance. Participants who rated their thoughts as relatively unique formed attitudes that showed greater correspondence with behavioral intentions to act on the attitude (Study 1). In Study 2, participants who recalled a previous purchase motivated by the desire to be unique (versus to fit in) after generating message counterarguments were less persuaded (more resistant) and reported greater willingness to act (...)
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  50.  22
    Characterization of twinning in electrodeposited Ni–Mn alloys.G. Lucadamo, D. L. Medlin *, N. Y. C. Yang, J. J. Kelly & A. A. Talin - 2005 - Philosophical Magazine 85 (22):2549-2560.
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